Last night, on the eve of the birthday anniversary of Imam Reza (AS), I had an intention to visit his holy shrine to do a big ziarah. Due to some problems, however, I had just a little time to go to the holy shrine. I had no time even to make wudu, or recite the salat of ziarah; I just stood in a courtyard and began to talk to my Imam. I passed all salaams my relatives and friends had asked me to deliver to their beloved Imam.What caused me burst into tears, however, was reminding all the blessings Allah (swt) had bestowed upon me and most I did at that holy place was to give thanks to Allah (swt): for me to be destined by Him to live in Mashhad; for letting me to attend the holy shrine even for a few minutes and passing the salaams of some broken hearts to their Imam; for letting me, and all Shias, have such a kind Imam ...
1 comment:
mitunid ye hamkari ba man konid be in tartib ke tu te'dadi goruhe internetie por te'dad azv beshin (khaharan: tarjihan ba idee ke moshkhas nashe khanoman) vabaraye goruhha ruzane hadith az site shahid aviny( ya sithaye dige) v ya jomalate nahjolbalaghe befrestid?(aye qurano tarjome, jomalate ghesaro… hamintor) age tunestid afrade digeie ham varede in kar konid. in kar vaghte chandani az shoma nemigire.
faghat name ma'sumo jomalasho va ya ayeye qurano addressesho toye onvane emaila gharar bedin. in kar baese afzayeshe sor'ate khunde shodan mishe....
in eghdam baraye ta'jil dar zoure agha(Aj) mibashad.
به ما سر بزنيد
ba tashkkor
ya hagh
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